Improving Your Hiring Practices To Acquire Better Talent
Posts by Alan TaylorMay 30, 2023
While new machines and artificial intelligence may be causing concerns for some workers about the security of their jobs, people are still the most important resource that a company has.
No matter what type of business you run, its success is highly dependent on the people that are a part of your organization.
Their knowledge, skills, and ability to adapt are crucial tools that can help your company grow moving forward.
When the time comes to increase the size of your team or replace employees that have vacated a position for whatever reason, your hiring practices take center stage.
The hiring strategy employed by your organization directly affects the kind of candidates that end up applying for the open position.
The wrong strategy could diminish the strength of your applicant pool, reducing the positive impact that new hires can have on your brand.
Improving your hiring practices is a critical step to take so that you can find better talent that fits within your organization.
Not every company is adept at finding the best candidates when they start hiring, so here are a few ideas to improve your recruitment strategies to hire the right people.
Effective Marketing Plan
Marketing is typically associated with communications between businesses and their clients. However, marketing to potential employees is just as important.
After all, these people will be the ones working with your clients to bring them the product or service that you provide, earning sales for the brand.
The right marketing strategy puts your business name and information in front of the people most likely to be interested in working for the company.
Social media should be a major focus of your marketing campaign, as these platforms now drive a large percentage of interactions between people and brands.
Specifically, there are many social media marketing tools that can make your job easier and help you communicate consistently and effectively with potential job candidates.
Know the target audience and their tendencies to craft an effective marketing plan that focuses on the ideal candidates for your open positions.
Clear Application/Interview Process
Candidates that are searching for jobs like to have a lot of information about the positions they are applying to.
When someone fills out and submits an application, they might be more inclined to choose your organization if they understand the application process from the beginning.
Make it clear what the steps are that applicants will go through from the initial application to the final decision.
Will there be one, two, or more interviews involved? How long can they expect to wait to hear back from the organization after a submitted application or an interview?
Who will they be interviewing with if they make it to the next step?
When you have a clear application and interview process and can lay it out for potential candidates, they will know what to expect and it can weed out some of the less interested applicants.
Choose Applicants That Are Actively Improving
When you hire people to work at your company, you probably want individuals that are invested in the industry in some capacity.
Even if they have no experience in the niche your company is in, candidates that are actively learning about it may be better suited for open positions than those with experience that are disinterested in the field.
For this reason, you should search for candidates that are pursuing new skills or knowledge via courses or certifications.
If you are in the healthcare industry, you can look for candidates that have already become BLS certified on platforms like ProTrainings, as these individuals have already shown that they are invested in acquiring skills.
If you see recent certifications on their resumes, this is a great indicator of their dedication to learning.
Seek out these candidates to fill your company with ambitious employees that want to improve their skill sets.
Efficient Onboarding
Having a clear-cut application process is important for enticing candidates, but it is also helpful to have a thorough and efficient onboarding process once new employees are hired.
The longer it takes a worker to adapt to their new setting, the more it hurts your company.
Working out a clear training regimen with standard practices can make the transition smoother and faster, allowing the new hire to get up to speed quickly so they can start contributing to the company.
Plus, when you have a clear onboarding process that sets new hires up well for success, they will have more confidence as they start taking on responsibilities, making them more productive workers.
Do The Work Now, Reap The Benefits Later
Perhaps you are not in a place where you need to be hiring new people. You should still take the time to improve your hiring practices. If you have strategies in place when the time comes, hiring can be completed efficiently.
With a strong marketing plan, a clear-cut application process, candidates that are pursuing knowledge in the industry, and effective onboarding processes, your company will be well-prepared to vet potential employees and choose talent that will improve the operations of the organization.