4 Tips To Make Remote Working More Productive
Posts by Alan TaylorDecember 16, 2022
While remote working has now been normalized for many worldwide, it’s not quite as easy for everyone. Some remote workers struggle with separating their personal life from their professional life.
For these reasons, we have compiled an article covering four tips that could help remote workers increase their productivity levels.
Utilize Software
When you are in a physical office, you may have all the hardware and software already established for you, and you may not be able to use whatever you want.
When you are working remotely, you may find that you have more freedom to utilize software that you can benefit from to be more productive.
You may also be able to pitch certain software to your employer that could prove useful to the whole company. If you are an employer, you should always search for software that will benefit your business.
The software you use within the business can vary depending on what you’re looking for. There will be software that is an absolute must for most businesses.
These include Office software that allows users to create Word documents and utilize email. There will also be software that can enhance your experience and remove some of the boundaries that remote workers face.
For example, you and the business can use remote desktop access tools that allow people to access apps and systems when working remotely.
In a physical office, you are able to just go over to someone’s computer to help with something, but you will need software to do this remotely. It will be in your best interest to use trusted pieces of software that are highly recommended.
TSplus provides full remote access solutions that give an overall remote desktop infrastructure to help remote workers access internal applications when operating from home. Software like this will help with productivity and speed up processes.
Dedicate Space For Working
When it comes to remote working, it will be imperative for you to have a dedicated space for working. It is unlikely that you will be able to properly focus on work in the way you would want to if you are working off of your bed.
If possible, you should try to have a dedicated workspace. This could come in the form of a desk or even just a table. Whatever you choose, it will be best to keep this away from distractions.
There is plenty of resources online that can inspire you to create your ideal remote working solution. Seeing what others have done to achieve success with how they work at home could give you ideas that you hadn’t considered.
Create Effective Boundaries
It can feel difficult to work remotely if you live with others. This could be your family, or it could be that you live with friends.
In situations like this, you may find it difficult to focus on work when you have all these potential distractions around. It may not even be the fact there are distractions around.
You may find it difficult to get your head into the work mindset at home. You will find it best to create effective boundaries. These boundaries can help separate your personal life from your professional life.
Communicate your boundaries to those you live with, and make it clear what you need from them. If they are also working from home, then you should try to stay out of each other’s way, so that you can all focus on work.
It may feel impossible with kids in the house, but ground rules can help. You may even find you need to hire a babysitter even when you’re in the house, just so you can focus on the work and allow your children to be looked after properly.
Communicate your schedule and shifts to those in your household. You could even put up your schedule on the fridge or in the hallway so that everyone is aware of it going forward and can see it without bothering you. Organization and communication will be key.
Prepare Meals Ahead Of The Day
While you won’t have a work canteen or be able to walk around town during your lunch break, you will have your kitchen with you. With that said, you don’t want to spend your lunchtime just cooking up food, as the time may pass quickly.
There are many work-from-home lunch ideas that could be of use to you. For example, you could save leftovers from your dinner that you had the night before.
You can prepare meals ahead of time, too. For example, you could engage with batch cooking that can make multiple lunches for the week.
If you work Monday to Friday, 9-5, then engaging with batch cooking on a Sunday can really prepare your week. This can allow you to save time at lunchtime and enjoy your break properly.