How To Auto Like On Instagram in 2025
Posts by Colin TanApril 8, 2023
Digital technology is now a normal part of daily life. Most homes now have a collection of smart devices.
These, combined with smartphones allow you to know what is going on at home and even control appliances when you’re not there.
This connectivity extends to global interactions through social media sites. The world has never been figuratively so small.
Of course, being able to communicate with so many people makes it both easier and harder to get your brand noticed.
On the one hand, you can reach millions of people. Social media networks such as Instagram have billions of users.
On the other hand, anyone can build popularity, competition has never been so fierce.
That’s why you need to take any advantage you can get, including learning how to auto like on Instagram.
Why Likes Still Matter
In the past it was possible to see how many likes Instagram users had. Now, a user can hide the number of likes on each post.
That doesn’t make likes any less important. It does make it harder to assess how well your competition is doing.
A like is simply someone watching or reading your post and double tapping the screen. It adds a thumbs up and registers as a like.
Instagram looks at your likes, the more you have the more relevant and informative they will deem your content to be.
When Instagram sees you have a lot of likes they will boost your profile and allow you to rank on the Explore page.
In short, your posts will be seen by more people, potentially increasing your likes further and creating the opportunity to generate a better income.
There are various ways to boost the likes and therefore your brand awareness. What may surprise you is that auto likes can play a key part in this.
What Is Auto Like?
The normal way to like a post is to watch it and double tap on the screen.
You need to watch the post for at least three seconds for it to count as a view. Then, double tap and like.
Naturally, repeating this on all the accounts you are following or interested in is time-consuming.
A good autoliker does the job for you.
All you have to do is tell it which Instagrams you are tracking and it will monitor them and post a like as soon as any new content arrives on the account.
Following other Instagram accounts and posting likes is beneficial to your account.
In the first instance you’ll be increasing brand awareness. Posting a like and perhaps a comment, which can also be automated), and other users will see your account details.
They may be curious and check in on what you’re doing.
Secondly, regularly liking someone else’s posts increases the chances of them returning the favor.
As already mentioned, this will increase your likes and boost the chances of your account being seen by others.
In short, auto liking other Instagram accounts can improve the likes on your own account.
How To Auto Like On Instagram
The simplest and most effective way to auto like on Instagram is to use a third-party app.
There are plenty of sites offering this service but you need to proceed with caution.
Some are much better than others which is why, in our opinion, you should opt for Phantombuster.
Introducing Phantombuster
Phantombuster has been trading since 2016. It was started by tech professionals fed up with the lack of automation options in the industry.
Because they have experienced the issues they created a range of automation tools to make it easier for businesses to handle social media and data collecting.
There are over 30 team members based in 8 different countries, helping to create a global perspective and ensure you get the best possible service.
The site is very easy to use but the best part is that you get first-class customer support.
The team can be contacted 24/7 via live chat or email and they will help you resolve any issue.
The aim of the Instagram auto liker is:
- To easily like the posts of specific Instagram accounts
- Unlike posts when desired
- Boost your own following by engaging more with other accounts
- Give you a full analysis of the auto likes and how effective they are
Phantombuster works in the cloud, meaning you don’t need vast amounts of computer memory, all you need is an internet connection.
Of course, it keeps running whether you’re connected or not.
Create Your Phantombuster Account
The first thing you need to do is visit the Phantombuster sight.
Once there you will see a free trial option. This gives you access to 5 phantoms for two hours a day.
Auto likes is one phantom, there are over 100 to choose from that will benefit your brand.
The free trial lasts for 14 days and gives you a good taste of what Phantombuster can do for you.
After that, the starter package will cost you $48 a month, although there are other options available.
To start the free trial you simply need to give them your email address and a password, along with your Instagram URL.
The system needs to know what account is posting the likes.
No payment details are required until after the free trial has ended.
You are virtually instantly ready to start auto liking.
Using The System
Once your account is created you’ll need to log in.
From the Phantombuster dashboard you’ll see an option to connect to Instagram. It’s a Phantombuster extension.
Select this and the site will connect for you.
You’ll then be able to input the Instagram URLs of accounts or individual posts you would like to like.
After adding this information you can choose how many likes you would like to post each time the app launches.
It’s also possible to define how often the app launches.
You’ll need to choose the repeat option to ensure the site auto likes daily.
Choose apply and Phantombuster will handle the rest for you.
You can see a list of the posts you’ve auto liked.
It’s updated daily and available as either a CSV or a JSON. This will help you to decide whether to continue with the same posts or not.
It’s essential to assess your own likes in conjunction with your auto likes. In theory, your likes will increase after you have started auto liking other accounts.
To improve the process further you should look at the other phantoms available and use some of them. Auto follow and auto comment are useful extras.
Advantages Of Phantombuster
There are several clear advantages to using Phantombuster:
- Free to Start
Although the free trial is only for 14 days, that’s long enough to appreciate what Phantombuster offers. You get access to all the facilities for free!
- Easy to Create an Account and Get Started
It takes a few minutes to enter an email address, select a password, and add your first Instagram URLs. A quick decision on how often to check posts and add likes and your account is working.
- More Efficient Use of Time
Without having to spend hours looking at posts and liking them, you’ll be able to focus more on business development, including your own Instagram posts.
- Spreadsheet Analysis Provided
This gives you the number of posts liked and any you have commented on. It also tells you how many posts have been collected and the amount of time you’ve saved. It’s useful to ensure you’re getting the most out of Phantombuster.
- An Array of Associated Phantoms Available
You’ll need to take a look at the site to see all the phantoms on offer. It’s an impressive collection which is guaranteed to help you boost your brand awareness.
- Complies with All Instagram Rules – Ensuring You Won’t Get in Trouble
Instagram and social media sites in general don’t like third-party apps as they can give users an unfair advantage. Using the wrong app can result in account suspension or termination.
However, Phantombuster complies with all Instagram rules, ensuring this won’t be an issue.
Disadvantages Of Phantombuster
No system is perfect, there are a couple of disadvantages you should be aware of.
- Monthly charge after free trial
- Takes time to learn about all the different phantoms and how to set them up
Using Phantombuster doesn’t require any coding knowledge. You can use it for auto likes and data scraping, ensuring you get the best possible results for your brand.
Additional Services
Phantombuster calls its services phantoms. You get five with the free trial and two hours of use a month.
This goes up with the paid versions, depending on which option you choose.
That means you’ll want to sample some of the other phantoms. There are plenty to choose from.
These include other social media services, such as Twitter and LinkedIn.
It also offers an extensive collection of data scraping packages, allowing you to assess what is going on in the industry and generate new leads.
To help with this, Phantombuster offers integration with an array of CRM systems, this includes Pipedrive and Salesforce, amongst others.
Take It Slow
When using Phantombuster, or any other automation tool, it’s tempting to use as many likes as possible to boost brand awareness as rapidly as possible.
However, speed is not always your friend.
It’s best to start small and focus on auto liking no more than 12 posts per Instagram account and you should only post 20-25 likes a day. That’s roughly one an hour.
Doing it this way ensures the likes appear to be completed manually, maintaining the authenticity of your account.
While there is nothing wrong with using Phantombuster, the social media community is well aware of the various automated options.
Many people feel that automated social media services are akin to cheating, although it is good business sense.
Maintaining a sensible level of likes will keep your account below suspicion and help you slowly garner a good reputation.
It’s a long game but you will start to see benefits surprisingly quickly.
Legal Concerns
As already mentioned, Phantombuster is a third-party app that complies with all Instagram rules and regulations.
It even connects to Instagram through the official portal. That makes it safe and legal to use.
However, not all third-party automated apps are this genuine. If you decide on a different service you should proceed with caution.
The wrong app can get you in trouble with Instagram, which could seriously affect your brand.
Some apps offer a free or very low-priced service and are simply trying to get your data or even add spyware/malware to your device.
Others charge higher prices but don’t offer the same quality of service, effectively wasting your money.
That’s why it’s best to opt for a properly registered and legal service like Phantombuster.
Summing Up
You need to create relationships with your followers, potential followers, and connected, but not competing, brands.
The easiest way to do this is by liking their posts and hoping they will like yours back.
It’s a normal approach to boost brand awareness and your profile on Instagram. Of course, it takes time to achieve this.
That’s why you need to use Phantombuster.
It will help you achieve your goals without taking all your time. It’s reputable and one of the best automated tools in the industry.
You can try it for free today and see for yourself how much difference it can make to your business.